Spring Saunters

Spring almost anywhere on the South West coastline is a breathtaking experience when the sky is clear and the air is hazy. The sea becomes a vast ocean of pastel shades from silver through powdery blues and soft lilacs to salmon pinks, and the newly-budding branches of the upright birches, the twisted oaks and the sharp thorns etch a delicate filigree frieze on the cloudless sky.

The long shadows throw the cliffs and crags into stark relief, and the gulls are a vivid white flash as they wheel over the waves among the migrant birds arriving here to breed. Spring flowers carpet the grass, blossom and catkins decorate the trees and bushes, and the air is full of the liquid warble of countless songbirds.

Click on the menu to the right to discover some of our favourite spring walks. 

  Don't forget, there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing! Gear up with 15% off at Cotswold Outdoor, available exclusively to all Association members.

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