Become a Mile Maker

We are fortunate to have the support of a group of exceptionally generous donors who give, or have given, the amount it costs on average to ‘make’ one mile of the Trail per year - currently £1,500 - we call them our 'Mile Makers'. You can become a Mile Maker yourself by donating now, or read on to find out more about the scheme. The most important thing to know is that Mile Maker gifts have real impact - enabling us to carry out significant work on the ground, undertake outreach projects, be a voice for the National Trail corridor and provide vital information to walkers and runners.

Photo: Path at Porthleven by Johannes Wagner

What ‘makes’ a Coast Path mile?

From vegetation management and surfacing, surveying and monitoring, to steps and way-marking, a lot goes into making each of the 630 miles of the South West Coast Path every year. The increasing impact of climate change means that costs to care for the Path are rising and the access to the coast that we often take for granted, is under threat. We are asking Coast Path-lovers to help us tackle these challenges head on and make the National Trail as amazing it can be now and for future generations.

Photo: working in partnership with the National Trust to realign the Trail

Why become a Mile Maker?

As a Mile Maker you become the guardian of one precious mile of the Coast Path for a year, but the impact of your generosity reaches far beyond that. You will be part of the huge collective effort by individuals, charities, local councils and the business community to ensure that our ever-more vulnerable National Trail remains a continuous, unbroken link to the unique coastal landscape which defines the South West. Remember that every mile has value – whether it supports the mental and physical wellbeing of local people, hosts an important wildlife habitat, enables a business idea, fires up the imagination of a creative soul or connects a coastal community with their neighbours - Every Mile Matters.

This is more than just a mile of dirt, we are talking about improving lives and the planet...

Did you know?

  • The Coast Path saves the NHS £75million every year
  • 79% people feel more positive after walking on the Coast Path 
  • 62% people feel inspired to be more active after walking on the Coast Path 
  • Over 70% of the Path is within a designated National Park or AONB
  • The SWCP supports around 11,000 local jobs every year

Hear from those whose lives have been changed by the Coast Path here

Photo: Our Explorers rubbing trail at Wembury by Vickie Moss Photography

As a Mile Maker you will receive a bespoke National Trail oak sign inscribed with ‘South West Coast Path, Mile Maker’ - just like the one pictured on the right hand side of this page. Simply donate now to become a Mile Maker and claim yours. Thank you so much, we are truly grateful for your support.

Photo: image for illustration purposes only


 Meet some of our Mile Makers:


"The Coast Path matters to me because my wife and I have walked all of it over several years through a difficult time in our lives (when we had very elderly, frail parents). We enjoyed many stretches, but the wild rugged places were the best!"  -  Mile Maker, Lee



“We are truly fortunate to have lived for about 10 years within 100 yards of one of the most attractive parts of the South West Coast Path. To have these fabulous stretches so locally during covid-times deserves some pay-back! I’m sure many others will soon be following in our footsteps, in the freshest air they will ever find, not to mention the most beautiful scenery.”  -  Anonymous Mile Maker



“I have walked this Path every day during lockdown, and every day I have been awed and delighted by the beauty of everything around me, this is why I wanted to become a Mile Maker. Thank you for making this possible.”  -  Mile Maker, Ruth



My wife Sarah and I have had 3 wonderful mini breaks in late 2020 exploring the coastline from Woolacombe to Rock....just stunning scenery, a sense of adventure, nice people and many different climates in a day including a brilliant double rainbow!  -  Mile Maker, Paul



“I really enjoy holidays and motorcycling - both of which have been severely reduced during the pandemic. This has meant far less expenditure resulting in a higher bank balance, so we've put it to good use. The SWCP is very dear to me, having completed it twice in 2003 and 2015, I enjoyed it all except the blisters and liked the idea of donating the cost of one mile's upkeep.”  -  Mile Maker, Derek