Get Involved
So much more than just a walk
Looking after 630 miles is no mean feat and we’re always on the lookout for trail lovers who want to go the extra mile to help support our work. Whether it’s having a go at fundraising, taking part in an event, activity, or campaign, or simply sharing your story to inspire others – there’s plenty of ways to get involved.
Make a difference
Tell us about your journey
The South West Coast Path welcomes people from all different walks of life, each wanting to take something different from the experience, and almost always walking away with more than they ever anticipated. This is a path where life decisions are made, relationships are forged, grief is given a helping hand and more often than not, you learn a great deal about yourself. How has the Coast Path changed you?
Support the trail you love
It costs £1,400 per mile per year to keep the Coast Path open and in good shape, so that you can enjoy it whenever you like. But we’re facing big challenges with the threat of climate change, so fundraising to look after it is more important than ever before. It can also be a lot of fun! So, whether you want to walk, run or do something else to raise pounds for the Path – we’ll be here to help in whatever way we can.
Take part
Couch to Coast
Working in partnership with Active Devon as part of the Connecting Actively to Nature (CAN) programme, we run a project called Couch to Coast. This project aims to get over 55’s in Devon more active - as well as build new friendships in the area by connecting people to a world-famous walking trail right on their doorstep. It follows the popular model of ‘Couch to 5k’, but instead of getting people running, we take them from sitting on the sofa to cruising along the Coast Path!
A picture-perfect path
From craggy rocks and rolling hills to sultry sunsets and crashing waves, mother nature provides a bounty of subject material when it comes to photography – all you need to do is get out there with your camera. We host an annual photography competition that gives you the chance to not only earn the title of South West Coast Path Photographer of the Year, but also take home some fantastic prizes.
lanet Earth Games
We’re proud partners of Planet Earth Games, an initiative that offers whole communities a way to develop active, sustainable lifestyles. Blending human health with the health of the environment, we work together to offer ways for you to benefit your wellbeing whilst also playing an important role in protecting the planet.
The South West Coast Path isn’t just a walking trail, it is also home to a number of amazing celebratory gatherings and annual events. From world-class firework displays, jaw-dropping musical performances, delicious food festivals and some of the most challenging running races around – there’s always something going on!
Explore more
Inspired By The Coast
To show our support for the arts during the coronavirus pandemic, we launched a project called Inspired By The Coast. This project is all about celebrating the amazing work that the Coast Path inspires and share a new perspective on this unique trail.
Never miss a step
Every month, we send out an e-newsletter to people interested in learning more about the South West Coast Path and the work we do to look after it. We share inspiring completer stories, fundraising updates, seasonal walks and much more, so if you don’t want to miss a step – sign up to our mailing list.
Tales from the trail
We love sharing stories from the trail. Whether it’s speaking to our volunteers, partners, supporters or even celebs – there’s always something new to learn about the South West Coast Path. Check out our blog to read more about this amazing trail.