Walk - Teignmouth to Shaldon circular

Walk information provided with help from Natural England. Map reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right 2025. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021.

Route Description

  1. Starting at the RNLI shop at the entrance of Lower Point Car Park proceed along the Strand in the direction of the town centre. Bear left along Northumberland Place and continue past several hostelries. Turn left at Osmonds Lane (a pedestrian alleyway) and then right at the New Quay Inn. Cross the road at the end of the lane and on to the pavement. Proceed to your left, past a large blue building.


  1. At the junction of Quay Road and Old Quay Street, with the entrance to Port of Teignmouth on your left and Addicott Electrics Ltd directly in front, cross the road and proceed up Customs House Hill (the road sign says ‘Leading to Willow Street’). Follow the lane as bends to the left and then to your right.


  1. Proceed over the railway bridge and immediately turn left. Continue along the pavement until you reach a narrow strip of garden maintained by the Guerilla Gardening Club. Turn right up Clay Lane (12-degree slope for 25m) and take the first left into Bitton Avenue. Cars are usually parked on the footpath on either side of this quiet street so it will be necessary for you to proceed along the Avenue.


  1. Cross Park Hill Road and enter Bitton Park through wrought iron gates. The footpath leads around Bitton House, which houses Teignmouth Town Council.. Follow the footpath as it dips down to Bitton Court Private Road. Turnto your right and approach the main A379 road. Turn left at the A379 and continue on the pavement, past the shops and the Bus Stop. Continue straight ahead, keeping left at the traffic lights and follow the footpath as it dips down to Shaldon Bridge.


  1. Upon reaching the end of Shaldon Bridge, turn left at the Church of St Peter and the Apostle and proceed along the Riverside. The quiet lane bends to the right and becomes Albion Street. In 50m, take the first left and re-join the Riverside walk. Continue straight ahead.


  1. The lane bends to the right at the back of the Clipper Café and joins the Strand. Turn left on to the Strand and continue ahead for 150m, past the Public Toilets on the left. At the junction of the Strand, Horse Lane and Marine Parade, it is possible to proceed along a short promenade and sit awhile on one of the 24 wooden benches overlooking the beach.


  1. Return to the junction of Horse Lane, and follow the sign to the Botanical Gardens, going up the hill (12 degree slope) to a set of steps leading to Homeyards Botanical Gardens. Turn left at the steps and continue up the hill past a red stone wall.


  1. Just beyond the bend in the road, turn right into the(unsignposted)  Homeyard Botanical Gardens small carpark. Proceed up and over the carpark and on to the footpath. Continue along the pavement past the Castle to the UPPER corner of the park. Pass through a wooden gate and continue along the footpath for approximately 150m, past the Bus Stop.


  1. At the intersection of Commons Old Road (leading to Oak Tree Grove) and the A379 Torquay Road, dismount the pavement and continue round and down Commons Old Road. The road slopes steeply down (15 degree slope) for approx. 100m. At the bottom, veer to the right for 100m. Cross Dagmar Street and enter the little lane opposite, with Shaldon’s Conservative Club on your right. Turn right at the Wesley Church, and then, immediately left into Bell’s Court, a pedestrianised alleyway.


  1. Cross the Village Green and enter the pedestrianised alleyway to the left of the London Inn. Turn left and proceed back along the Riverside walk. At the end of the lane, turn left at Port View House then sharply right on to Albion Street. Proceed down the lane. Turn right at the Church of St Peter and the Apostle and retrace your steps back over Shaldon Bridge. Continue up and over, past the traffic lights, past the bus stop, past the shops to the blue and white cast iron gates of Bitton Court. Go through the gates on to the private road and turn left up the path around Bitton House. Pass through the iron gate on the far side and continue back along on to Bitton Avenue. Turn right on to Clay Lane for 25m, then left. Follow the footpath then turn right over the railway bridge on to Willow Street. Next, turn left on to Custom House Hill and return to Quay Road with Addicott Electrics and the Port of Teignmouth this time on your right.


  1. Turn left on the pavement at Quay Road and cross the road. Turn right along Teign Street with the pub on the left. Continue straight down Teign Street and on through the (pedestrianised) shopping district. Cross Fore Street and proceed almost directly ahead along Bank Street.


  1. At the set of traffic lights turn right on to Den Road. Proceed towards the seafront and the promenade. Cross Den Cresent and take the path across The Den (park). Turn right at The Pier and return to the Start / End Point at Lower Point Car Park.


Nearby refreshments

Refreshments are available at numerous cafes, restaurants, inns and convenience stores along the route.

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