Walk - Boscastle & Pentargon Waterfall

Walk information provided with help from Natural England. Map reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database right 2025. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100022021.

Route Description

  1. Follow the Coast Path from the north side of the Harbour, climb the hill and continue along the clifftops to Pentargon.

On the opposite side of the harbour to the south lie the Forrabury Stitches, an ancient strip field farming system dating back to the 4th century.

The path runs betweene a stone hedge, covered in the lichen Sea Ivory, and the open maritime grassland topping the cliffs. This grassland is one of our rarest habitats and includes colourful flowers such as Dyers Greenweed and Saw-wort.

  1. Just before a traditional stone stile you will see the view of Pentargon Waterfall for the first time. After crossing the stile the walk runs inland towards a road and then alongside the hedge through a kissing gate and then through a white field gate to follow the ‘Private Lane’.

This lane was cut out of the rock to enable people to get to the harbour without payng the toll on the main road.

  1. The lane returns you to the harbour and gives great views over the lower village.

Nearby refreshments

Boscastle Village and Harbour.

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