Make Your Free Will

To celebrate 50 years of the South West Coast Path Association, we’re delighted to be partnering with Devon law firm Tozers LLP, who are generously donating their time to produce 50 simple Wills, free of charge.


The Will can be for an individual, or a mirror Will, and is provided at no cost to you or to the Charity. In return, we’re asking individuals to offer a donation to the Charity at the time of making the Will, in lieu of the cost of paying for the Will to be written.


What is a Simple Will?

A Simple Will is a a fundamental document in your estate planning for when you pass away. It helps those who are left behind know what your final wishes are for your assets, and what you would like your legacy to be.

Tozers are experts in writing Wills, and their Simple Will is a clear, concise document drawn up to help ensure that your executors are appointed, and know what you would like to happen to your assets, whether leaving things to family, friends or others such as charities and trusts.

What's included in writing my Simple Will?

  • A 45 minute virtual or in-person meeting at the Tozers offices, with a dedicated Wills Paralegal
  • Appointment of your Executors
  • An outright gift or residue to your spouse or partner
  • An outright gift or residue to children equally, or upto five family members or registered charities
  • Simple funeral wishes
  • Sending a draft Will to you
  • Upto 15 minutes correspondence with you and time to draft in minor amendments
  • Sending the Will to you to sign, or a 15-minute signature appointment at the Tozers offices
  • Free storage of your Will

All of the above has been generously donated by the team at Tozers for upto 50 individuals, to support the SWCPA in our 50th Anniversary Year

If you require a more complex Will, please still contact Tozers, and they will be happy to work with you to advise their charges for services beyond the Basic Will package


How can I get my Free Will?

Making your Will for free with Tozers is very simple. You can find information on how to do this in our leaflet, which we can send you a copy of, or which you are welcome to view online here

In lieu of the cost of writing your Will, the SWCPA and Tozers are asking individuals to consider making a donation fo the Associaiton, with a suggested cost of £100 for a single Will or £150 for a mirror Will


I've already made my Will - can I support the South West Coast Path?

There are lots of ways to support the SWCPA if you've already made your Will. You may like to consider leaving a Living Legacy, adding a codicil to your existing Will leaving a gift to the Association, or fundraising in memory of other loved ones past - or encourage others to do this in your memory; our 'In Their Footsteps' walk is a lovely way for friends and family to enjoy your favourite stretches of the Path, and to raise important funds in your name.


Click Here to download your free guide to making your Will for free with the South West Coast Path Association and Tozers

Or request a copy of the guide through the post by emailing [email protected]


Once you've made your appointment, click here to download a copy of your supplementary form, which you need to return to the SWCPA after your Free Will is complete