Our Projects - Mouth Mill-new bridge
Users had to walk across rocky beach-head which was unpleasant and difficult with a stream crossing. This had been made worse by recent river floods changing the bed, and storm surges. The proposal was to install a bridge across the stream and create a path to the bridge, thus avoiding the rocky foreshore.
It was originally thought that access to the East side of the bridge could be gained from the land on that side. However, following a site visit the lie of the land did not make this easy, therefore in order to install the East bridge abutment it was necessary to install a temporary scaffold bridge, to bring plant and materials across from the western bank, and to ‘slide’ the actual bridge kit into place along the scaffold. To facilitate public access approximately 10m of new steps were provided on the Eastern embankment, constructed of timber and sub-base and provided with a two rail handrail installed on one side of the flight of steps.
On many previous occasions, when the river flooded the steps were repeatedly washed away, so, though costly to build a bridge, it will save money in the long run, and resolve health and safety concerns where people were falling as they tried to ford the stream on the pebble foreshore.
Creating the new route to the bridge has also made it easier for walkers to find their way, previously they had to drop into a narrow cutting which lead down to the crossing which was obscured from view by the nature of the landscape. Walkers often followed the track and ended up way off route; now they have no trouble keeping to the line of the path.
From the bridge there are wonderful views down the river valley to the sea, with views out to Lundy Island.
The work was commissioned by Devon County Council and funded by the Coastal Communities Fund grant achieved by the South West Coast Path Association.
Contractor: South West Highways