Our Projects - Malletts Cottage, Nare Head
Mallet's Cottage is a ruined cottage on the South West Coast Path at the foot of a wooded valley, adjacent to Nare Head (SW915 376). It is a stone and cob building, with no roof which subsequently, over the years, has suffered significant erosion. The lower half is stone, the top half is cob. The building has probably been empty since the mid 1800s. Whilst it was not appropriate to renovate the building to its original condition, the National Trust wanted to repair it and, where possible, consolidate the building to reduce future erosion. As there is local social history relevance attached to the cottage, the Trust wanted to retain the building for future generations so they could learn the story and enjoy the building as it stands. Thanks to funds raised by the South West Coast Path Association and from the Unlocking our Coastal Heritage project, this project was able to be completed.