Our Projects - Ebber Valley

The valley crossing of the South West Coast Path at Ebber has been problematic for a number of years, with a 20 metre section of wet flush needing to be traversed to reach a footbridge over the stream. Due to the Chynalls Cliff having SSSI (Special Site of Scientific Interest) status, the boggy area cannot be fully drained. A temporary boardwalk of planks has been in place for 2 years, but this is inadequate. Thanks to funds raised by the South West Coast Path Association and from the Unlocking our Coastal Heritage project, this project has installed a permanent boardwalk constructed of a double line of oak sleepers, treated with an anti-slip sand and resin coating. Local serpentine stones were added to pitch either end of the boardwalk, to ensure these areas are passable in even the wettest of conditions.

Project completion date
Oct. 23, 2013
More information
Ebber Valley NT volunteer installing stepping stones

Project location