Our Projects - Chynalls, Blackhead and Beagles
This 2 mile section of the South West Coast Path crosses prime coastal heathland in National Trust ownership. The heathland is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) for its rare plant and other nature conservation interest. Grazing is required, in order to maintain the SSSI in favourable condition. This can occasionally create conflicts with coast path users, especially in sections where the coast path is flanked by scrub. This project has identified and opened up pinch points by cutting out scrub and treating the stumps to reduce regrowth.
Thanks to funds raised by the South West Coast Path Association and from the Unlocking our Coastal Heritage project. this project has significantly widened out the coast path corridor to minimise the risk of conflict between grazing and access, to the benefit of the coast path user. The wider grassy corridor gives more space for people and animals (ponies and cattle) to pass, and will lessen any poaching impact the stock may have on the coast path surface.