Our Projects - Loe Bar coast path resurfacing

This is a busy section of Coast Path, part of the Mullion to Porthleven section but also close to the Tye Rock car park where many visitors from Porthleven start their routine walk to Penrose. By and large the section is very well surfaced and provides excellent access for walkers and also mobility scooters. There is a one small section of approximately 100 meters which was rutted and very uneven, which benefitted from improved drainage and a new layer of surfacing to bring it into line with the rest of this section. Thanks to funds raised by the South West Coast Path Association and from the Unlocking our Coastal Heritage project, this project has improved drainage and enhanced the quality of the surface of this route to bring it up to the same standard as the section around it. Additionally it will improve access opportunities for Mobility Scooters, and provide a consistently surfaced link with the new easy-access route being installed by the National Trust during December 2013.

Project completion date
Dec. 9, 2013
More information
GSWW456 Track to link to easy access route

Project location